Using Sports Card Album to show off your collection

Have you checked out Sports Card Album yet?

If not, the app/website provides collectors with a place
to upload pictures of their collection.
The app is only available for only for iTunes, but an
Android app is in the process of being created.
I wrote about Sports Card Album for Beckett. You can
check out the link here and read about Sergio Dubois’ work in getting the site
and app into fruition.
I have only created one album so far of my DrazenPetrovic cards, but I am sure to put more up when I get some time. It would be
interesting to see all of Derek Jeter collection in one place.

If you use the app, tell us your user name in the comments.
You can find me on Sports Card Album as – what else? – ‘yanxchick.’

7 thoughts on “Using Sports Card Album to show off your collection

  1. I started putting up some higher end stuff, but the site is so ugly it turned me off. The android app might be useful, but until then I doubt I will use it for much.

  2. I used it a while back, but haven't used it for a few months. I got tired of adding cards to my collection there. I think it works great for collectors who are just starting off, and collectors who have only a few hundred cards, not those of us who have thousands upon thousands of cards.

  3. I am with Rosenort, I am not a fan of the site's design. I just signed up though (Corky), maybe it will grow on me.

    I hope it is ok that I put you down as referral.

  4. I have no problem with that, Corky.

    I think the site found a need for collectors to show off their stuff after Photobucket got all weird with images.

    It's not perfect, but I think it's a start for collectors in a digital world.

  5. Re: Rosenort

    Hi Rosenort! I'm curious what specifically you find ugly about the site? The intention of the site is to be able to see all the information of your cards quickly on one page, without having to click to the next page and next page. We also want people to be able to see their entire card (not just a thumbnail) at all times. We are working to create additional "views" that will allow users to see larger thumbnails in the main feed. Interested to hear what specifically you find ugly. We are always open to making changes to the site to improve the experience for collectors. Many of our special features have come from user recommendations.

  6. Re: CaptKirk42

    Hi there. I welcome you to visit the site and check it out again. We have made a TON of changes over the last few months and the site is a lot faster and easier to use now. We also have a bulk-upload tool that allows you to upload as many cards as you want at once. You can also bulk-edit card details. We have members with over 2,000 cards (up to 5,000 cards,) although you are right, the majority only have a few hundred. We are adding additional tools (Bucket importer) that will allow people to easily bring their images in without having to re-save and re-upload.

  7. Re: Corky

    Hi Corky. What exactly do you dislike about the design? We'd love to hear it. The original purpose was to provide IMG codes for users to share card images on the forums. In order to accomplish that I wanted a lot of details easily visible. So if people just want big pictures of the cards (like flikr) then we don't have that yet, but we are definitely adding prettier "views" very soon. But we offer a ton of features specifically for card-collectors that nobody else offers. Hope you give it a shot, upload some cards, and play with the site a bit. We are a tiny development team but are working very hard to improve the site every day. Any suggestions or recommendations you may have are welcome!

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