Gadzooks!! The weather is calling for 4-6 inches of snow tomorrow where I live, and heavy snow all day. I was supposed to be going to a Christmas party tomorrow night and drowning myself in Pomegranate Martini’s, but it may just be me, Keurig, and Topps.

I have to work tonight so I may invite Upper Deck to my party tomorrow also. I mean, I don’t want to run out of things to blog about, or things to occupy myself. It’s the holidays and I need to be merry. I also need to be working out to try and balance all the extra food for the upcoming week, but it’s a snow day! (Well, now it better friggin be, I got all excited already.)

Has anyone bought any UD Documentary yet? I am just wondering if I picked up a couple of packs for myself if someone out there had some Pujols or Yankees they would trade me for whatever I would get. Let me know, I don’t have to leave for work for a few hours.

And another thing…. if anyone is trying to complete any late 80’s sets, please let me know. I have an abundance of these cards that I am sick of looking at.

EDIT: Weather warnings now are stating 12″ of snow. Not as exciting to hear as 4″ because that means the shovel is going to be mighty heavy.

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