I wanted to follow up on the post Suzy did about the odds of a rack pack vs. a blaster.  While I had never read the two to compare them until that day, it makes much more sense to go with a rack pack now.  The difference in cards is not enough to warrant buying a blaster especially when the odds of hits goes up so much.

I bought two rack packs of 2014 Gypsy Queen a week or two ago just because I was bored and I hate money.  I never get anything so imagine my face when this card appeared…

Ben Revere, serial numbered /49 on card auto.

While I couldn’t care less about this player or his autograph, it was nice to actually pull something cool from retail for a change.  Anyone that is interested in this card, I am more than willing to part with it for a pack of pens or something.

2 thoughts on “Rack Pack Hit!

  1. I have been thinking about starting a Ben Revere collection because I just found out he lives in my town. I'm sure I can find something better than a pack of pens (although I do have a ton of them also).

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