Well, it sure has been a while since we last posted something around here.

I can only speak for myself as for the reason we kind of fell off the map for a little while here. For me the lack of interesting products or any sort of variety of products, combined with the fact that I have no money to spend on any of it has helped to keep me from buying my usual random blasters that are “for the sake of the blog”. I had been hoarding my money for Christmas gifts and things that were a higher priority. My computer had also been acting like a giant pain in the ass for weeks at a time. I had to get out the paddles and jump start it from the blue screen of death twice.
I did end up getting a new laptop so the internet access and blogging wouldn’t be a problem anymore, however my printer/scanner decided it will not be compatible with new laptop. I expected nothing less than something to not cooperate, so no surprise there. I do have a review or two coming up that I need to put out there so you will be seeing my lovely commentary again very soon.
Despite the lack of blogging, I have still spoken to many of you either online or through text messages which has been great. I enjoy speaking to the friends I have made through the blog so that has helped keep me in the loop with things.
But for those of you who I have been out of touch with or have never met, the consensus on why many of you guys are not interested in cards or have blogged less and less has been a very consistent answer. “No money and/or no interest in the products coming out.” While it is nice not to feel alone, I’m not sure all of us going through this at the same time is good. Good for our wallets, yes…. Good for Topps, not so much. Not sure there are many people right now who can drop $150 on a box of cards that contain only autographs of players who are around 1-3 years away from being in the majors. But, we will save that for my next post.
OK, I think I have jammed enough random information into this post for now.
I hope that everyone had a great holiday season with their family and friends, and I am looking forward to getting my cardboard on in 2012 (providing a find a way out of the funk). Cheers.

7 thoughts on “Happy New Year!

  1. I have felt the same way. I haven't really bought much in the last few months other than a little hockey here and there.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Good to see you back, I was getting worried. I agree with the lack of product and lack of money, also lack of baseball. February will not get here soon enough.

    wv: conaer – british version of conair(good flick)

  3. Happy New Year! I'm glad I wasn't the only one dropping the blogging ball lately. Though, I admit, mine was more like the whole of 2011, but I'm glad to see you got a new laptop!

  4. Happy new year! It's easy to say, but sometimes new cardboard grabs you regardless of expectations. Allen & Ginter retains a curious attraction for me despite (or because of?) all its non-sports nuttiness…

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