I can’t believe Christmas is next week already. This year has gone by so fast that I can hardly believe it. I love this time of year for so many reasons, one being that Elf is on all the time and when it’s not I can watch it on DVD.

Here’s a clip of Buddy going to New York. Keep an eye out around 7:00 in when he goes into the department store. Hilarious.

Then there is all the yummy food… Perhaps subconsciously I have been working out extra hard the last 2 months so that I can inhale holiday food. I love Christmas cakes, cookies, and all of that good stuff. Ohh and mashed sweet potatoes that I will only share with Sooz on Christmas night.

But my top favorite part of Christmas aside from spending it with family (even if they are crazy sometimes…) is giving presents. I like seeing peoples’ faces when they open their presents and are genuinely happy with what I picked out for them.

Since it’s Friday and no one wants to be at work, let’s have a little fun today. I know most of us don’t get cards for Christmas from our families so if you could pick one product to get this year, what would it be? The other question is- If you could pick one thing (anything) to get me and Sooz what would it be?

I’ll start it off. I would like a 2003 Heritage Cano RC AU. If I could buy Sooz anything (well, I bought her something it just isn’t this) I would get her a 55″ Samsung LED 1080p TV. It would be stupendous for watching sports.

2 thoughts on “All I want for Christmas…

  1. One box of regular Bowman Jumbo packs please.

    I never got any before the price went thru the roof and now it'll probably more than the TV you're "getting" Susan.

  2. For Marie: An A.J. Burnett/Hideki Matsui dual-autograph/game jersey numbered to 99; and a Cliff Lee game-jersey with a nice, thin, red, pinstripe.

    For Sooz: Tim Tebow's big, thick, rock-hard….

    …Rookie Card.

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