White Plains card show
I noticed the other day online somewhere that the show opened at 2pm for some reason, so I did some research and confirmed that rumor. I figured if I went that early, there wouldn’t be many people and I could make it back over the bridge before rush hour, or end up sitting in the diner playing with cards ’til after the traffic.
I arrived at the show around 1:40pm, walked over to the center maybe ten minutes early so I didn’t have to stand outside however the doors were already open because they were letting people stand inside this time. There were maybe 10 people on line when I first walked in, and not one of them was a woman. It was me and old men. Shorty thereafter the line grew to about 50 or more, with one other woman on the whole line, but she was with her son. I was with myself.
I walked around for maybe 20 seconds before one of my long time favorites on eBay stopped me and said what’s up, etc. (tntnorthnj on eBay) I talked to him for a bit then moved onto to another table where I was asked why I wasn’t at the last show by that dealer. He then asked me what Pujols I needed from recent sets and stuff like that. I ended up buying 3 cards from him, of which I got to pick my own price which was fun for me. I picked up a 2007 Heritage Chrome Robbie Cano, 2009 Unique Red Francisco Cervelli, and a 2009 TTS Seasoned Veterans Albert Pujols (which I learned later that I was sent that card by Ron, thank you.)
As I walked around I didn’t see many Cano autographs there, but there were plenty of Jeter’s, A-Rod, Pujols, and a tremendous amount of Bowman DPP auto’s which don’t interest me in the slightest. I did see a LaPorta Sterling Auto for $25 but I can not start that project even if he’s hot.
I found my one of my other favorite vendors and eBay guys (rookiesandstars) and I had him cracking up with my stories of Sooz being asked if she needed WNBA cards, and having someone explain to me that “shiny” cards are more money. I picked up a bunch of Pujols base cards, and 2 inserts that I needed.
How could I have left without that lil Jeter? Too much. The Hughes and Russ are for the PC, and the 2009 POH Pujols is the one I already have but can’t read my checklist properly.

The problem with getting there as early as I had was that many vendors were not set up completely when they opened the doors but thanks to my trusty 50 page Pujols list it took me a while to thumb through it at each place to check to make sure I didn’t buy something I had (which I did anyway, because I do it once a show). Good thing I had my list to kill some time because I was finally able to find someone with a Cano auto I don’t have and was willing to trade it for one that I had 2 of. Granted the one I got back in return is probably my least favorite autograph ever and aesthetically the worst trade ever, but six in one half a dozen in the other. (Beam Team for this)
Now I was done. My back was barking, I was hungry, and getting cranky like a child so it was time to leave. Oh well, not just yet… I stopped at one more table before leaving and ended up finding 2 cards I needed in a bargain box. Sweet.
Then I left.
(If you are local to the area and want to go to the White Plains show this weekend, click the link for all the info.)
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How many tables? Did they open up the stage?
Stage was closed, and about half the tables from what I noticed were memorabilia tables. Many of the dealers had a huge abundance of Bowman DPP autos and cards.
5:57pm: The Athletics have reached an agreement with the Padres to acquire third baseman Kevin Kouzmanoff and a minor leaguer for outfielder Aaron Cunningham and another player, MLBTR has learned from a source close to the Padres.
Thanks. I've been monitoring the situation. 🙂
Cool Cano, but I never saw one like that with the sticker.. I have one of Jeff Francis from the same set that is on card.
I went today (Sunday) the only reason I went was to get an auto of Graig Nettles, he as well as the rest of the 78 Yankee infield were there signing. $30 for a ball, which was all I wanted and the wait wasn't too terrible.
Card wise, 2 boxes of 08 UD Series 1, $50 a piece. 9 dollar box cards, including a 2004 Donruss Jeter checklist (an sp at that, woohoo) and that's it.
This was my first time at this venue that wasn't the East Coast National, personally, if not for the Nettles auto, not worth the time.