You might be asking yourself that question if you stop by on a regular basis, or if you were interested in the rest of our Masterpieces case. I am here to answer that question. I have been playing at the vending machine in Shoprite which has $1.00 packs of nothing, but are fun for 5 minutes. Sooz has been chained to the World Series, not playing with any cards.

Cheer for the Phillies to win tomorrow night so we can break the case, and have an hour of fun before it turns into eBay and work.

I want to also point out that I purchased a pack of 1993 Topps Stadium Club Series 2 Baseball from that vending machine and got a Members Choice Ken Griffey, Jr., Sammy Sosa, and Reggie Sanders… The rest of the pack played for about as long as it took you to read this blog so far. But there were 14 cards for a buck. I later came to realize there are some boxes of those cards selling on eBay for about the same price as the pack in the vending machine.