We are the worst right now
Well, as you have read from some of Sooz’s more recent posts she has kind of lost her card mojo and I am very close to joining her unfortunately. I’m not sure why but I really haven’t been looking at many cards on eBay like I normally would, and Adam Lind has gone through the roof and the season hasn’t even started up yet.
Don’t get me wrong, I am thrilled that I picked someone who actually panned out and that I had a good feeling about but damn! I figured when I started collecting him that he projects well, and he’s pretty cheap so I’m going to follow him. I just hadn’t planned on following him to bankruptcy, and I still don’t. A few weeks ago I posted a 2007 Topps Chrome card of Lind, autographed and serial numbered to 25 which ended around $42 bucks. A few days after that, a second one of that same card
popped up and ended at $61.
I think that is helping aid my slump, how can I justify spending (even if I wanted to) $61 on an Adam Lind auto when most Cano
cards don’t go for that much, and this is going to sound even crazier, but at that point I might as well pony up for a Pujols auto. I have had to streamline my collection just to hold onto these 3 for my PC because it’s ridiculous now. I have picked up a couple of Hughes auto’s during this past year, but nothing crazy- I traded for one and got the other for like $6 on a weird bargain.
I have a pile, rephrase, PILES of cards on my desk that need to be scanned, logged in, and put away. They have been sitting here, some for over a month, waiting patiently to go into their new homes here. With that being said, I have some pretty sweet cards to show off, and I think once I get to scanning and posting I will be better. Actually, once I find something fun at the shop or at Target I will be fine, we all know that.
Anyone else in a buying/collecting funk?
I have to scan a bunch of GU and chrome/chrome refractors I am looking to trade from Heritage and some other stuff. I am still in need of Pujols chrome/chrome refractor, and Lind black refractor if anyone has those I would like to talk business. If you collect Chipper Jones, Dan Uggla, Bo Jackson, and a variety of others you want me to do some work and scan…
Now tell me you want to see my new cards and motivate me!
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Since spring term started, I've been getting lazy. I'm just now organizing and sleeving my on-card auto collection – which has been in a 230+ card stack for a month or more. It's not so much a funk as it is less time.
Reading about your funk just motivated me…to cut down my PC's hahaha.
I had something like 40 PC's over 5 sports. It's now 24 over 4…which sounds a lot worse than it is since a few of mine are guys with only 20-30 cards to their name.
When I first got back into collecting with my two sons,about 17-18 years ago,I was just team collecting the Tribe.Then I decided to specialize in Jim Thome also.I wanted to get every card of him.That was before he became a real superstar.Once the card companies started coming out with 1-1's I realized I could never afford every card.You would have to be millionaire to do that today if you collect any star.If you spend all that money and he gets hurt and ends his career you know what happens to the value.Just collect what you like and have fun with it.I still try to get every Thome card I can (Cleveland Indians only)and it's fun to see how many I will end up with someday.The key word : FUN !! Don't let yourself get too serious about it.Then it becomes a chore and more like work.Who wants more work!? I get pretty intense at work sometimes during the day.I have a 40 minute drive home.That helps calm me down.Then I sit down with my cards,my blog and relax.And read about the other bloggers!Life is too short to worry too much.I found that out when I had a heart attack at 47 !! Now,12 years later,I try to enjoy life more. I guess I should cut this off.It's getting more like a post than a comment!! Have fun !!! 80})( my personal smile face with glasses and mustache!)
With school starting in January that left piles to accumulate. Over winter break I put everything that needed to go away in its proper place, and now it's all back.
Oddly enough, most of the stuff laying around needs to be traded or just sent to someone who would want it.
I'm limiting myself to these 3 players and trading for some others would work but I don't think I'm willing to bother at this point when I am missing so many of these 3. Ideally I would like to include Cervelli as well, but we'll see.
I too am in a sports card funk, and baseball cards are doing absolutely nothing for me. The bit of interest I have in cards right now is focused pretty much entirely on non-sport collections.
BASEBALLDAD- I hear ya about just getting what you like and enjoy. I have no interest in going after 1/1 printing plates and things like that because all the money that would be spent on something like that (which I don't care for in the first place), could be spent on a bunch of inserts or an autograph that I would enjoy a whole lot more.
While it would be fun to have unlimited money and own every card of a favorite player, when you get one in the mail that you just bought to say you have it, how much fun could that be?
I haven't been all that interested in baseball cards for the past couple of months.
It seems like every set is a rehash of something else & I just end up buying more cards of the same players again and again.
I'm hoping that the Topps minor league set re-kindles some interest for me … assuming that it doesn't get delayed again.
now I know 4 people who collect Lind…. I used to know zero… Way to drive up the prices guys.
As you know I've been trying to unload cards like crazy. I have so many doubles and so many sets I need to complete. I've been checking wantlists and contacting bloggers I've never contacted before. I'm gonna need an amazing amount of help to finish Heritage 2010.
Hmm… I think the fact I'm actually working on a couple pro sketch card sets is greatly taking away from my total card focus. But still, I don't think I'd be interested in the sports cards right now regardless. I just don't care right now. :/
Have you SEEN my blog lately? Girls, I haven't seriously collected anything since A&G last year, and I still haven't purchased any '10 stuff yet. I don't know if it's my age catching up with me, or if I've just become bored with the hobby. Maybe a little of both. Trust me, though… I ALWAYS stop by the card aisle at Target.
"now I know 4 people who collect Lind…. I used to know zero… Way to drive up the prices guys."
I got most of his stuff last year at the beginning of the season and the year before that when it was pennies on the dollar. He's certainly getting some attention finally! I lost out on the red lind. I was not paying 62.00 for it. Now his UD Black cards are starting to take off in price. IT'S CRAZY I TELL YA!
I think everyone goes through cycles. The hobby in general goes through cycles. With all the controversies and negative press that has come out over the last couple years, it's a wonder anyone has stayed in this thing at all. But, nonetheless, we all perservere. Look at all the collectors that have quit on numerous occasions just to start back up again. I am one of those people.
I am usually in the minority around these parts because I mostly collect hockey cards and I can say that I have met more people that collect hockey cards over the last year that I started blogging than I knew existed. Everyone has always seemed so genuine and honest about their hobby that it inspired me to start writing about what I like.
You fine ladies will once again find your inspiration. You just might need some time to sit back and actually enjoy what you have. Inspiration and motivation will come. Remember it's a hobby, not a job. In other words…FUN!!
I get down a little bit some times, when I get bored of collecting what I can find in Wal Mart, but then I come across a pack of Pacific Metal Universe and just delight in the crazyness of it all.
Really, those cards are nuts. You should get some. It will cheer you right up.
I think part of the lull is due to it being baseball's off season (one more week!). Its tough to find interest in baseball cards when there's generally very little interest in baseball.
That aside, I have radically changed the way I collect lately. I'm tired of packs and boxes, I feel so beaten down by it all. Rarely, if ever, does a box even provide a fraction of the value it should. I don't sell much, only rare pulls that I have no particular interest in, but why, exactly, should I spend $90 on a box of Ginter when for the same 90 bucks I could buy, say, 25 nice hits from the set?
The reason I got out of the hobby 10 years ago was because it became too expensive. It's starting to get like that again.