Video box break: ITG Baseball Heroes and Prospects

I ordered a box of ITG Baseball Heroes and Prospects from AllinCards (on FCB and Twitter).

I was happy with the box I received. I’d like to thank Andrew for picking a good one for me.

For an unlicensed product, I think ITG did a good job. They have been successful with their hockey product and now they are branching out to baseball.

It’s not perfect, but I think it’s a good start. I am looking forward to seeing what else ITG comes up with.

If you don’t like videos, it’s just two minutes long and I don’t take very long getting to the cards. I am also too lazy to scan.

2 thoughts on “Video box break: ITG Baseball Heroes and Prospects

  1. I was excited when I saw the preview images of ITG baseball. The patches look amazing. They make a pretty nice hockey product, so it should be interesting to see how Heroes and Prospects is received.

    Congrats on the Ford pull!!!

  2. Unreal. I pulled the same 3 autos you did in the middle of the box. A little suspect I think. Nice Whitey!

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