That’s one way to re-imagine Lewis & Clark’s expedition

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Zombies are very popular these days. But what if a person
became a zombie through an organic disease?

Manifest Destiny isn’t exactly about zombies, but humans
and animals are being infected by a deadly virus that essentially turns them
into bloodthirsty flora. Man-eating plants may sound a bit odd, but the it’s
done well in Manifest Destiny adding fear, despair to the type of horror that is
portrayed in the graphic novel.
One of the unique factors of the Manifest Destiny comics
is that it follows the journey of Lewis and Clark – yes, that Lewis & Clark
that explored the unchartered country with Sacagawea in the early 1800s. The story could have still been intriguing
without using these historical figures, but by using these characters, it
already ups the stakes of their journey because nearly everyone has heard of
Lewis & Clark.
But the creator doesn’t assume those reading the comic
know who these figures are and gives each character their own traits that allow
them to stand out.
One thing I love in the first volume was the use of
color. The reds really made specific scenes pop — such as the one below — and conveyed emotions that run deeper than just showing a man screaming and running.

I was a bit surprised at how well I enjoyed the
historical fiction, even it did bring in supernatural elements to spice up the
expedition on the frontier.
The first trade paperback featured the first six comic in the

This won’t give you nightmares.

1 thought on “That’s one way to re-imagine Lewis & Clark’s expedition

  1. This looks pretty cool. I'm always looking out for trade paper backs when I hit the flea market… although I'm guessing I won't see any of these for at least a few years.

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