Strasburg 1/1 auto found – Good time for a contest

Look what happens when I’m away all day.

The 2010 Bowman Stephen Strasburg red 1/1 auto was pulled from a jumbo box. So, where is it?

eBay sillies! Click here for the auction link.

The card is listed as $50,000 buy it now or best offer. Sheesh!

Let’s have a contest. You’re allowed one guess, take a gander at where the card is going to end. Whoever gets closest gets six Topps Million codes that I pulled out of a hobby box of Series 2 a few days ago.

I will take guess as long as the card is up for auction.

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36 thoughts on “Strasburg 1/1 auto found – Good time for a contest

  1. To think I was excited about pulling a Yowill Espinal Orange Refractor 3/25 out of a blaster today. Then I looked at EBAY and realized I can't get the price of one pack for it.

    Anyway I'll guess $33,605.

  2. Am I excluded? I will go with $26,001.

    Anyone else see that Family Guy?

    I know I don't count, but I like that episode.

  3. I'm going to make an offer. What do you think he'll say to $152. That's about all I've got until payday. Freakin 2010 Bowman! I'm broke!

  4. $27,369

    I wonder if this will cause the prices of Bowman to drop a little or for sales to slow down. All of the big Strasburgs have now been pulled. I think the way to go is to buy a product behind. Get the Bowman once Ginter comes out. Grab Ginter once Chrome or T206 comes out. Hopefully prices drop a little in the attention wake as everyone chases the next big thing.

  5. I don't know what to base a guess on – afaik, the superfractor auction was not legit since it appears to be a deadbeat buyer.

    I hope this contest is legit (auction has to be legit and paid for, not hype-bidded).

    If it's legit, I'd say maybe $4,500.

  6. $12,425 unless he throws a perfect game today then I'll go with one milllllion dollars. And a shark with a fricken' lazer.

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