One of the best parts of the National

While I only have two posts (including this one) in my brain leftover from the National, this is the better one I think. The other will be a post of the loot I bought. Aside from all the wax, singles, memorabilia and autograph guests at the National there were far more fun things/people to see and talk to.

What was so great? For me it was meeting many of the people I talk to everyday and sometimes trade with.

On my way down to Suzy’s house (we left from there), I stopped off to hang out with Pete and Kim from Dropped Third Strike. They were in Jersey visiting family, and had some free time to entertain me. We had a good time, stopped at the Backstop (yes, I went to a card shop on my way to the biggest show in America) and even got to see where the Jersey shore morons work.

Once we arrived at the National, there were so many people that approached one or both of us to say hello. We met Beardy, Dan from Grand Cards, Rob from Voice of the Collector, Chris Harris from Stale Gum (whom we have both met before), Matthew from Number 5 Type Collection, Chris aka sruchris, and many other readers who don’t really blog. We even met a guy that reads the blog but doesn’t comment, which is fine, but we like talking so feel free to leave a comment (a nice one, otherwise we (read: me) will get bitchy.

Then there were the people who e-mailed us, or tweeted to us that they saw us at the National. Not really sure why you didn’t say hello, but it’s cool. We’ll make sure when you say hi next year to make a big embarrassing production out of it.

We also got to meet FINALLY(!) Chris, owner of Freedom Cardboard who was kind enough to bring me and Sooz out to the show to help promote his site and hang out with the guys from his message boards. Sooz and I really had a great time meeting the guys from FCB and hanging out after hours with all of them. I strongly encourage you all to sign up for an account over there to at least check it out and meet some new people either to trade with or just B.S. about sports with. They have a live chat room which is very entertaining, and sometimes there is a live stream.

While walking around and looking at cards for 5 days sounds glorious, it does get a little boring. Yes, I said it. The fact that there were so many good people to hang out with and talk to made the trip worth while.

If I learned one thing on the trip it was this: pizza subs don’t have meat.

5 thoughts on “One of the best parts of the National

  1. Jeez, how many people in this hobby are named Chris? I know it was a popular name for kids born in the 1970s, but this is ridiculous…

    Sorry I missed the fun in Baltimore. Hopefully we can chat in Chicago next year.

  2. I may regret saying this, but next year everyone named Chris needs a nickname.

    Beardy, was that you who asked me for change Saturday at the Lexington light rail stop?

  3. A nickname for every person named Chris? Hmmm…

    In my case, the last name alone is sufficient enough to set me apart.

    That, and "Stuff" has always been a natural nickname of mine because it's easier than the mouthful needed to say the whole name. Sad to say, it fits me well.

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