My Target haul
I spent my Memorial Day washing my car and told my mom I would wash hers as well. In the middle of my washing, my brother came outside and offered me a trade- a clean truck for a blaster. You know I took that one. Despite the nozzle on my hose breaking in half, I still finished the job. The pollen around here is so bad that you can wash your car one day and in an hour or two it’s covered again. I like washing my car, which is not very “girly” but no one said that was my personality in the first place.
I went to Target yesterday while in errand mode because we needed detergent, not baseball cards though I left with both. I probably should have remembered while I was there to pick up a nozzle, but it’s supposed to rain all week anyway so it won’t matter. The 2009 blasters were slim pickens today, they had 2009 UD Series 2 blasters and 2009 Goudey. After the last UD, I’m done with those and considering my luck with Goudey I opted for that. My mom felt compelled to compensate me for my free car wash with a couple of packs, and who Iam I to turn it down? I grabbed a few loose Goudey and 09 Topps Series 2. I opened just the loose Goudey so far and was pleasantly surprised and thrilled. The only reason I grabbed these is because the boxes were full and all packs were facing the same way indicating no micrometer action.
Here are the highlights from the loose packs of Goudey:
4-in 1 Green
Mini Burrell, blue back
Major score on all accounts here, and if I end up with air in the blaster I won’t complain. Promise.
The Papelbon will be going to Ron since it’s make me mad just existing here, and if anyone wants to trade for anything but the 4-in 1, I’m listening. I didn’t list the base cards because there was nothing fun, just the same ol’.
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you packsearcher… no just kidding, nice pulls!
I also think that this is the second year in a row I have pulled a Chris Young jersey card. If I still have it perhaps I will scan them side by side later.
Whoa. The luck on this blog is staggering.
You’re going to have to write a book on how to buy packs/blasters.
When I buy packs, I always pick them from the bottom. Usually 2 from each side if it’s two rows, if it’s 4 I get one from each on the bottom. (This only really matters if it’s a full box or if they keep boxes behind a counter in a hobby store. Not one person ever asked me for the bottom packs in BC so I know it’s not very common.)
Blasters, either I ask someone else to pick them if I am with someone else because generally my luck sucks, and if I’m alone I go with the first one I see of what I was looking for.
I did crack 2 Topps Series 2 packs, and nothing to write home about so it doesn’t work often.
What’s the number on that Pettitte?
We are interested in the Chris Young jersey card. Let me see what we might have to offer in trade.
I can’t remember the last time I saw a box at Target that hadn’t already been gone through, but if it ever happens, we will try your method.
Pettitte is #780
Patricia, I will hold onto the Young for you. I’ll also check to see if I have last years if you need it.
I bought a loose pack of Goudey myself yesterday. I hadn’t even heard of Goudey untill I saw them last night on the shelf at wal-mart, but they piped my curiosty.
..I’m new to collecting, so excuse my ignorance.
hey.. I just started collecting again.. I enjoy your blog.. I am also a big yankees fan.
I have a couple questions..
first.. are you a bleacher creature? haha
section 203? I went May 18 against the Twins and sat in section 203.
and you pulled those jersey cards from regualr packs in target? awesome
McCann can triple– welcome to the addiction. Your wallet will hate you, we can promise you that.
WillyAybarFan– Yes, I have season tickets in Section 203. Seat location remains undisclosed until you prove your sanity. =)
Cards were from retail Target boxes that had not been hit by the micrometer man. I wish I could tell you the odds, but they are not stated on the packs, and I didn’t see them on the box either.
Why does Brandon Phillips look cross-eyed in that card?