My first TTM request
I’ve been meaning to send out a TTM for about 2 years now. It’s not that I don’t have the time to write a short note and stop at the post office, I just never think about doing that or remember until spring training is over. I could send them during the season but in my tiny pea brain I am convinced the odds are better if I get them sent out during spring training.
I sent my first one to Phil Hughes
one of the Yankees pitchers who is competing for the 5th spot in the starting rotation. Hughes
pitched great out of the pen last season and really was the best bridge to Mo that we could have asked for. While he was great as a relief pitcher, I am 100% behind seeing him get the 5th spot. I made sure I was at his first start in the majors because I was so excited he finally got called up, and oddly enough one of my favorite memories of him was watching him on tv when he had the no hitter going in Arlington… Until he got hurt, then I was sad for him because he was hurt and because who knows how that game would have gone after.
Anyway, I sent the custom made card that topher from Crackin’ Wax made me sometime last season and I squirreled it away until now. I had to order a special pen from eBay to send along with the card that was instant dry, and smear resistant. The pen was cool, I had to try it out before I sent it because I am pretty sure that’s a pen I’ll never see again.
With the custom Game Day Graphers card for him to sign, I sent about 10 cards and told him he could keep all of them if he would like them. I am not expecting any of those back, but I wouldn’t be upset if they came back.
Package was sent March 5th, and we will see when I get the return. I am toying with sending one or two more but I feel like that is too ambitious for a person who took 2 years to send anything much less a card that was made specifically for that purpose.
Has anyone sent out any TTM’s this spring training? Who did you send to?
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I sent out 21 letters this year… most of them are listed here, but I found a Nelson Figueroa card after I wrote that post. I've gotten autographs from six of the players already.
Good luck with Phil Hughes.
Keep sending the requests out. Spring Training is a great time to send out TTM requests. Some players will surprise you by signing during the spring. I have already sent out 9 envelopes and am waiting for my first return.
I'm sending out four new GameDay's tomorrow. I got just about everyone else I needed at TwinsFest this year, so the Spring Training load is pretty light. I'll catch Mauer, Thome, and some other impossible-to-get-TTM guys at the annual Autograph Party later this summer. Good luck with getting your Hughes Grapher signed! I can't wait to see how it turns out!
I'm really looking forward to hearing if Hughes signs the card for you. good luck. I was at that game also he really has some great potential.
I sent out cards to Justin Masterson and Michael Bowden, two of my personal favorite players and all around great people. I put them in the mail in the last week of February and I got them both back, signed beautifully this past Saturday. Bowden personalized his and Masterson includes PHIL 4:13 on all of his TTM cards.
Did you scan the Topher card before you sent it? Just in case it doesn't come back. I hope that it does, with the auto, of course. He makes great cards, puts the "real" designers to shame.
Paul, I did scan it but I couldn't find it in my computer. I have hundreds on card scans in here and no organization (shocking).
I got Mark Buehrle this year during ST. I get a lot during the season. A good idea if you love TTM. It costs money, but gives you addresses and tons of people post if people return so you don't waste your time sending to people you won't get back.