I’ll show you what a mistake is

I could not have asked for a better weekend to be away from home. I’m at my parent’s, but anything has to be better than being in the Philadelphia region right now.

Of course, all the talk is surrounding the fact that the Eagles have signed Michael Vick. I was one of those people who thought he deserved a second chance. I thought, he paid his time and he should be allowed to play.

I think it was easier to base my decision on this because I just assumed he would end up with a team with known criminals. That’s the persona of the NFL anyway, right?

I’m not an Eagles fan, but covering Philadelphia sports makes situations going on there close to me. I don’t cover the Eagles, but they still affect my life. Now, that Vick has been signed by Philadelphia, I can’t help but wonder if he really did deserve to come back.

Athletes have abilities that everyday people do not have. I will probably never be able to hit a 90-MPH fastball or take a hit from a middle linebacker. There are reasons these guys get paid millions of dollars for what they do (though I don’t fully understand that).

The argument that shouldn’t Vick be allowed to pursue a job in his chosen profession shouldn’t even be valid. He has abilities that others do not posses, but I feel like he gave up the opportunity to pursue his profession when he started killing dogs for sport.

You’ll hear people say he’s made a mistake.

A mistake isn’t something you do repeatedly. Mistakes, of course, happen. But they happen for two years?

You’ll hear people say he’s paid his debt to society.

Where? Serving time in jail didn’t pay me anything. In fact, my tax dollars went to paying for his imprisonment. So, right now, he owes me.

You’ll hear people say he deserves a second chance.

Why? Because he got caught? He should have stopped the situation on his own rather than feel sorry about it until he was caught.

So, I’ve jumped off the “Give Vick another try band wagon.” THAT was a mistake. Once you use sound reason and judgment, the mistakes usually show themselves.

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4 thoughts on “I’ll show you what a mistake is

  1. I guess the only question I have is, if he doesn't deserve to make millions to play in the NFL, what does he deserve to do? Where is the line?

    I agree, you don't make a mistake over a 2 year period. I don't know how a dept to society is repaid by sitting in jail. And, I agree that his second chance was probably used up long ago.

    But, now what? Is he supposed to rot in prison? No. Does he have to live with no income? That doesn't sound right either. Can he make any money? I guess so. How much money can he make before he doesn't deserve to make any more? I have no idea. More than a paperboy, less than a doctor? More than a doctor, less than an athlete? What about other criminals making more? What's the difference between him and Martha Stewart? Both served time. Both come back and make millions.

    I guess until I can draw the line, he can do whatever he's allowed to do. And, I don't see myself drawing a line anytime soon.

  2. To me the Question to me is not about Vick but about the Eagles. Did they need to sign him. I like you am not an Eagles fan, but am connected to the situation geographically and it is very odd.

  3. I think tremendous athletic ability is considered a short-supply service commodity. Pro sports is primarily an entertainment business–staged to drawn attendees and viewers to provide additional money making opportunities, from ad time on TV to $12 beers at the stadium window.

    That at least offers an explanation of both why Vick could regain at least a provisional job in the NFL, and Philadelphia isn't shy about hosting controversy, especially if it helps at the gate and/or win games. It's likely he hasn't lost his athletic skill in the meantime, and the Eagles are willing to take a mild risk on his performance. Generally speaking, the Eagles have left themselves enough of an escape from his contract, and they paid a fair price for a QB with a career 75.7 passer rating. Not a bad backup to McNabb, and brings options and versatility to the offense. We'll see what happens when he can actually focus on his job instead of marketing himself.

    At least as a convicted felon, whatever collateral consequences of criminal charges he's received should at least be the same as a regular Joe (such as ineligibility to vote, run for office, possess firearms or body armor, etc.).

    Even if his comparatively diminished salary is still vastly more than most people will ever make, he will need to be on his best behavior and top performance to keep it. We shall see if the man has grown.

  4. Give him a second chance at life, sure. But don't give him another shot at a privileged life of an NFL player. Stupid, stupid franchise(s)…

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