I just wanted everyone to know.

Just in case this little bug I am coming down with is the swine flu. You’re all amazing and keep on collecting!


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13 thoughts on “I love you all

  1. the cards you sent me helped out. If I live through this, I plan on posting them. I love them, thank you so much.

    I need to find some nice Suzuki cards for you.

  2. well I hope it isn’t the swine flu, but if it is.. please live out the rest of your days attending as many Yankee games as you can. Sit in as many sections as you can.

  3. OK, we need fluids, bedrest and cards, people! One of our own is down and we can’t afford to lose anyone else. Yankee cards STAT!!

    Get better and the sentiment is right back at ya.

  4. You are so funny.

    If you have low or no fever, but all other flu symptoms, it MIGHT be H1N1, and if it is, that’s not all bad. You want to get it NOW, build a little immunity, and you’ll do ok when it comes back more ferociously in the fall. “Yankee Cards STAT” – well said, WSC.

  5. Oh Yankee cards would make me feel sooooooo much better. Sigh.

    It’s either H1N1 or Lyme Disease. Serious, I got bit by a tick last week. I called and left a message for the doc today.

    Here’s to hoping it’s just allergies or a cold.

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