Greetings all! For those of you who do not use twitter, I was away from Thursday to Monday night. I went out to the L.A. area to see the Yankees v. Dodgers game first and foremost, and then do some other “touristy” types of things.

I went to the Friday night game and it was awesome to finally get to Dodger Stadium after years of watching the games on TV and thinking it would be awesome to get there. The drive there was full of traffic, which if you have been to L.A. you know that every day, almost all day there is traffic. It was glorious at first site. I love new stadiums. We hiked up many stairs that we did not need to bother with trying to get to the gift shop, which by the way, was on the ground level.

As we entered the stadium we were given rally towels, though the guy didn’t look like he wanted to give me one, or thought I wouldn’t want it. I wanted it. I noticed now when unpacking that there is a sticker on the towel from the 2009 World Series. I know when teams don’t win in the playoffs they send the shirts and hats to other countries, but I guess they keep the towels for giveaways during big games…. I would have rather seen a Yankees v. Dodgers World Series last year, and I am sure Sooz would have as well seeing as she could have watched the games as a fan rather than a reporter working.

The first glimpse of the field is always my favorite. I took some pictures with my phone and with my regular camera but I didn’t upload the ones from the camera yet. Early on there weren’t many people around, but there were plenty of Yankees fans walking around and some high 5-ing me for wearing my Jorge Posada road jersey and some just yelling, “Yeaaahhhhh Yankees!!!”

My first stop was the clubhouse shop to get a couple of t-shirts for my ever growing player t-shirt collection. I added a Matt Kemp t-shirt, and a new Russ Martin t-shirt (the back says J. Martin). My Russ t-shirt was a $5 eBay “imperfect” shirt and well let’s just say it was sewn kinda crazy and the back of the shirt always feels like is pulled in a direction. So I can retire that one or wear it to the gym. I also bought a program and kept score of the whole game, with only one mystery out.

Dodger fans were fine until the game started and then the Dodger fans started in on the Yankees fans. It was no where near as bad as what happens to opposing fans in the bleachers at Yankee Stadium, but they were obnoxious. What I found funny was that they play goofy songs in which the whole stadium actually sings along with, like Living on a Prayer and Don’t Stop Believing. They also sing LOUD and proud, Take me out to the ball game TWICE back to back. Seriously, maybe 9 people sing at Yankee Stadium. The bleachers have their own version of this song which is what I heard in my head as these dorks sang in unison at Dodger Stadium.

Yankees won the game 2-1, so the walk to the car was quiet as you can imagine. I enjoyed the game and the stadium very much. Despite being a Yankees fan, I follow the Dodgers quite closely and they are one of my favorites to watch.

I did a few other fun things on the trip, Santa Monica Pier (overrated), Disney, Universal, and…… I finally made the mecca to In-N-Out, which was awesome. The Simpsons ride was all I had hoped it would be, and all it was hyped up to be. I only wish the line was shorter because I would have gone on a second and maybe third time.

There were 2 baseball card shops in the area I was staying in, but being there for a weekend and wanting to see things I can’t see at home made it hard to try and make time for the shops. It just means my local shop will get my money instead, and I would prefer to see it go there anyway. I had no internet access from Wednesday until I got home late Monday night, and hadn’t seen a baseball card for that time either. It’s good to be home even if there is 100% humidity. It’s the last week of my online class, so I should be back to blogging often after that ends.

Anyone else going on a road trip to see their team play? Or going to your hometown team to see your favorite team?

10 thoughts on “Honey, I’m home.

  1. I was doing a summer program for chemistry teachers in the Denver area and was able to go to Coors Field to see the Diamondbacks play the Rockies. Out of all the parks I've seen games in, Coors Field is my favorite (I've also been to PETCO, SAFECO, and Chase Field).

    I'll be going to Chase Field in three weeks to see the Giants play the Diamondbacks. I'm taking my dad there as a late Father's Day present. He's been a Giants fan since the 1950s and I've been a Giants fan since the 1970s (except during the latter years of the Barry Bonds era). It'll be fun and will be worth a blog entry or two. 🙂

  2. Everything about LA is hype, and it's almost all overrated! San Diego is much better 🙂

    As for In-n-Out, I'm not really a fan, but then I'm not much a fan of fast food in general. I think people go crazy over it because they're "supposed" to, but really it's a slight step up from McDonalds, at best.

    Just my opinion, of course.

  3. I live in Eastern PA. I am going out west to Pittsburgh to see my Astros play. Can't wait, my 3rd Astros game and my 4th Pirates game. Woot!

  4. I plan on being in Arlington on August 14th for a Red Sox game. It will be stadium #4 I have seen them in. (US Cellular, Tropicanna, and Kauffman were the others)

  5. I'm glad you had a good time out here, but I do have to say that i take great offense at the "dork" comment. I prefer wanna-be Hollywood thespian, or entertainment starved Baseball geek. After all, this is LA and the desire to be goofy comes from the yellow smog that pretends to be fresh air. Besides, we Angelenos take pride and find great enjoyment in singing songs like "Take Me Out to the Ballgame." Like you said, we love it so much we do it twice. In fact, when I've gone to other stadiums I always get a little confused when it gets played only once. I'll usually start singing it a second time only to have to stop when I realize the music has stopped and everyone has sat down.

  6. I love going out to SoCal. In-n-Out Burger is possibly the greatest thing mankind has invented. Disneyland is always the highlight of the trip down there, while Universal is pretty good. Glad you enjoyed it!

  7. Two Packs… I have to be honest about the In-N-Out burger experience…. It was more awesome in the sense that I finally got there and had one and that it was the only lunch we ate in the Beverly Hills area that was less than $80. I hadn't had fast food in about 3 years since our Tampa trip and Sonic. Though I had a chicken wrap at Sonic which I was yelled at for by everyone on Earth. I would take the Shake Shack over that any day.

    As far as the dorks at the Stadium, sorry if that was offensive but it just seemed to be like the fans were more concerned about singing and starting a wave where I was sitting than watching the game.

    I did leave out the guy who does an entire performance on the big screen to Don't Stop Believing, which I found hilariously awesome. Not to mention he sat in the bleachers.

    I like that a bunch of people seem to be going to catch their teams soon, and my next baseball related trip will either be northern Cali or Chi-town.

  8. In N Out burger is very good. Better burgers than most fast food chains. Sadly, the last time I was out in La, I had three meals in four days there, including the first one off the plane.

    The aftermath wasn't pretty.

    As far as the World Series is concerned, I wouldn't trade last year for anything. Being a reporter gave me an amazing experience, I may never get again – seeing the Yankees celebrate in their lockerroom. It was a lot of work, but a great memory.

  9. In-n-Out Double-Doubles are the best cheeseburgers on planet earth. There is no hype and no debate. Just the single greatest food item ever made.

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