Hobby Surge: Thumbs up or thumbs down?
I’ve been thinking about something somewhat random, but entertaining. With all the Bowman that has been sold, sold-out, and that appears to be backordered it has clearly given the hobby a surge for the better of Topps. Now, we all know between here and Twitter I have done my share to add to the lunacy of the whole thing, as did Sooz.
Since this Bowman release is Strasburg’s prospect card, there are going to be prospect cards and then rookie cards to be released and definitely there will be autographed rookie cards. This is going to keep this ridiculous trend of not being able to find cards, or buy them for a decent price going for some time if you want my opinion. Could you even imagine the selling price of a 1/1 Strasburg superfractor auto? This blog could also serve as a reminder to head to the bank and apply for a personal loan now so that you don’t miss the chance to bid on that card.
There was an e-mail sent the other night from Blow-Out Cards that they were sold out of 2010 Allen & Ginter as well as 2010 Topps Chrome. I have no interest in Ginter whether there is a piece of lettuce from Strasburg’s teeth, or some Wooly Mammoths butt hair in it. Topps Chrome I tend to dabble with usually just retail packs or a blaster but never buy much of it since I don’t really collect prospect or rookie auto’s. Will I buy a box of it? It’s tempting.
With all that being said, how many of you have pre-ordered either of these products in an attempt to not get ripped off when they are released? Now… how many of you pre-ordered them to try and pull a Strasburg auto or re-sell the boxes when people are in dire straits trying to find them?
Anyone think that the surge is a bad thing for the hobby or the collectors? I honestly could answer this either way. People like us and most of you have been supporting this industry and been interested in collecting for many, many years but are now paying dearly for product because of people just trying to make a quick buck by buying and re-selling or buying and ripping trying to find the golden ticket. On the flip side, I am enjoying that something is driving kids and adults alike to buy cards and attend games or pay attention to baseball. It cuts both ways, but overall I would go with thumbs up on the recent surge in the industry.
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I bought 4 boxes of A&G primarily because I got in at the bottom line BEFORE Strasburg was announced in the product.
Based on all the info being handed out, I may be able to cover costs for ALL FOUR boxes by selling TWO.
Which means I can do what I please with the other two (including participate in Gint-A-Cuffs).
As for your final question, I think it is a GOOD thing, not a bad. It has brought back people who left the hobby and is bringing in new people to the hobby.
The more, the merrier I always say.
I pre-ordered a case of A&G. The best thing I ever did was buy cases of Topps Series 1 and Series 2. I was able to collect the entire set of both series for free by simply selling off my Million Card Giveaway Codes, patch cards, and one Pie Face card.
I have to say this is more worrysome than anything. First it adds to the legitimacy of exclusive contracts, which sucks. Second, when the market inevitably drops on Strasburg's stuff, there are just as many people that will leave than stay. Thats just my feeling on this.
I agree with Gellman on this one. These people buying now are just trying to win the lottery. It's happened before and it will happen again. I guess the only positive is that there is only one company's product to chase. Imagine if UD and the others were still around.
I tend to agree that this surge could be bad for the hobby in general. The people buying up all this stuff are speculators, not legitimate collectors. Every market should be able to tolerate some speculators, but we all saw firsthand in the late 80s and 90s (when speculators vastly outwighed collectors) that it hurts the hobby in the long run. All of our cards from that era are worthless. And, while maybe not all of Strasburg's now-announced 15 or 30 RCs will be worthless, there will eventually be more sellers than buyers. And now that RCs are available in dozens of variations, the cache of "a Strasburg RC" is long gone. Whereas EVERYONE wanted the UD Griffey in 1989, there's no Strasburg RC that anyone will careabout more than another (since we'll all be priced out of the gold refractors and whatnot) and will probably just confuse people who don't know the difference between an A&G SP and STP 5W30.
I never did end up with the Griffey Jr. RC, at least if I have one I don't know what old box of cards it's in. I do know that I have a UD Sosa RC which is as good as a Kevin Maas RC to me.
I am also laughing at the STP 5W30, which I am sure people out there would have to google.
I've got two boxes of A&G coming but that's because of the Gint-a-cuffs contest. If I get a Straus I'll keep one for the set and sell the rest because I could care less that he's in it.