Come pick up your Easter baskets

When I was younger, Easter was time spent with the family. Of course, after going to the unbelievable crowded mass, standing way in the back and then getting stuck in traffic on the way home. But it was Easter and we get to devour lamb and have our favorite treats, which always seemed to have lots of honey on them.

Now, kids get Easter baskets. I walk into my parents’ home today where my the first question my six-year-old nephew asks me is: “where are our presents?”

My chipmunk-looking face just stared at him and said: “I’m here. That’s all you need.”

Since I didn’t get my nieces and nephew anything that they seemingly enjoyed, I decided to hand out a few Easter baskets to my blogging friends (even if they are imaginary).

Marie: A couple of loaves of Easter bread, surrounding a 2001 Pujols Bowman Chrome Refractor, covered in top loader and team bag, of course.

Dinged Corners: The Beltran card you lost long ago, mixed in with a couple of David Wright cards for Lucy.

The Hamiltonian: A time machine and a ticket to last year’s all-star game in Section 39 of Yankee Stadium. That’s where the bleacher creatures sit and where Hamilton hit a few shots.

Night Owl Cards: The Extra Innings package on his computer to watch the Dodgers games while he is at work.

Tasted Like Dirt: A card collection that features his photos of Oakland A’s.

Chris from Stale Gum: A Phillies pitcher that doesn’t give up two or more runs in the first inning.

Wax Heaven: Miller mojo in every box you open.

Sports Cards Info: A booth at the National Trading Card show where people bring their cards to you.

Dropped third strike: A dual-signed Mattingly/Hughes card.

Waxaholic and Dave from Indians Baseball Cards: You both get the Vaughn bobblehead. (ThoughI think I want one too.)

Sports Cards Uncensored: A case all his own. No need to share.

Fielders Choice: A week-long stay in St. Pete during a Yankees-Tampa Bay series.

Captain Canuck:
Coal … Awww, heck. I’ll give ya something nice. Perhaps the Braves make it back to 1990s form.

Madding: A peek at Marie’s basket before I give it to her. Maybe your own Pujols RC.

Goose Joak: A job with Upper Deck.

White Sox Cards: Yeah, you get White Sox cards.

Crackin’ Wax: Your own baseball card line.

For the rest you, I give Peeps modeled after you favorite player. I know there are many blogs I didn’t include in the list, but please don’t hold it against me. I still love you.

Me and my throbbing mouth (minus three less teeth) are outta here.


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12 thoughts on “Come pick up your Easter baskets

  1. It’s cause you’re my favorite … don’t tell anyone.

    Or maybe because I’m sitting here holding my head up while my parents want to go galavanting around town while all I want are drugs.

  2. Crackin’ Wax: Your own baseball card line.

    This actually may come true. Ssshhh!

    Thanks for the Easter generosity! Hope you had a great weekend!

    Name: topher
    Word verification: scopher

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