Catching up on Bubble Mailers, Part 1 (Surprise from a Yankee fan)
Bubble mailers tend to pile up in the crazy room (what Boyfriend and I have dubbed the office where my baseball cards are). I open them, put the cards back in the package and leave it in a pile to get scanned, filed and sorted.
I’m usually good at the last two, but scanning doesn’t work too well for me.
I’ve finally done it.
I made a trade with Eric from The Pettitte Pursuit. I sent him the Pettittes doubles I had and threw in some Jeter doubles that I had. Eric threw in some extras as well and certainly something I wasn’t expecting.
I received 19 Pettitte cards, a Kouzmanoff (AG mini black) and five Jeter cards.
It wasn’t just the sheer volume of cards. Eric also sent me this:

Needless to say, I didn’t expect a game-used card coming to me. Marie was in the room when I opened the bubble mailers, she can attest to my pleasant surprise. Coming up: Bubble mailers from across the country.
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