How do I get one of these?

I went to the Mets/Phillies game on Tuesday for fun. Even though I don’t root for either team, it’s always good to get to a game for leisure because I’m usually there for work.

I went with my boyfriend and one of our friends who is a huge Mets fans. She hasn’t been to a game in a number of years, so we thought it would be fun for her to check out Citi Field.

Marie and I got to attend a game there last year after Yankees opening day. Luckily for me that day, the Mets were playing the Padres and I got to see Kouz in person for the first time. Oakland just so happens to be in Baltimore today and I am trying to keep myself from jumping in the car and driving down there. Although, it’s not working out well.

When you enter Citi Field through the Jackie Robinson Rotunda, there Mets lineup is displayed at the top of the escalators in baseball card form. I just stared at the huge cards and wished somehow I could get one of those.

You hear me Topps! How do I get one of these?!

Here was a shot from our seats.

7 thoughts on “How do I get one of these?

  1. I thought I saw somebody mention that the Mets auctioned off last year's versions earlier this season.

  2. I saw them last Friday at the Nats-Orioles game. I was amazed at how much fun Nationals Park is. You can see a game for a decent price and have a lot of fun too.

  3. high res scan a Mets topps card, blow up and print on card stock. bingo!

    Or if you want to get real fancy, get a huge LCD screen, scan Mets topps card, hang up lcd screen and display the scan at full screen and in the right direction (i.e. when you hang your LCD screen so that the length goes from top to bottom instead of from left to right like your PC, you'll have to rotate your image 90 degrees so the image displays properly on your lcd screen.

  4. Those giant cards are in the StoreRoom at citifield. Underground in the tunnel. I work there so Ive been down there quite a few times. Ive seen the giant carlos delgado one, along with an omir santos one collecting dust in a huge storeroom where they also have the game used bases that they sell, much be about $10,000 worth of merchandise in there! If I can sneak a picture next time, Ill let you know!

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