3 pack break of Bowman Jumbo

I got a message from my friend Dan saying he was heading over to the card shop if I was around yesterday, so I went over to meet him. While I was waiting for him, I got antsy and started debating what I wanted to open. I was messaging with Flash on gmail trying to make a decision, and I saw there was only one pack missing from a Bowman Jumbo box and decided to go for it.

I picked the upper left stack, middle pack on a hunch. I feel like buying these packs is the same feeling the children got in Willy Wonka when looking for the golden ticket. I had to open the wrapper slowly, like Charlie Bucket, then carefully look inside and pray. I got a ticket, it just wasn’t a golden Strasburg ticket.

Well, despite the fact that the dude is a Red Sox player, it works well for eBay flippage.

Jose Iglesias refractor auto

Oh, I was excited to have picked a pack with an auto. So excited in fact, that I decided I deserved another pack. Why not? The box was only missing one pack. Pack two was just as fun, and was picked upper right middle pack.

*Imagine Wonka type opening here*

While the pack was not an auto, I pulled two cool cards but only one of which made me happy to have picked that pack.

Adam Lind blue /520
Todd Helton orange /250
Still 2 autos left in the box…. one more pack, just one more and I swore I’d stop opening. Well, apparently the lower right middle was a good idea. There was an auto.

and we have……

J.R. Murphy auto

There were plenty of other cool cards in the packs:

The front of the card is Jorge Posada and the back is Jesus Montero.
I bought a Cano gold on eBay before finding out Suzy pulled one (forgot that I even bought it), and then pulled one. Wonderful.

So my friend Dan opened a box of Bowman, and we learned at that point that Dave (the owner) had opened the one pack of Jumbo’s that I didn’t and there was nothing in the pack. So Dan, who has a cardboard problem as well, opened the rest of the box and pulled 2 autos and a Futures relic of Luis Durango. I can’t remember which autos he got.

Being the nice guy Dan is, he gave me a whole mess of cards that I needed for my collections. Here is what I snarfed (base cards not included):

Not a bad day, right? I have another post coming up about the I.O.U.’s I gave Dan for some other cards. That being said, I am now campaigning to trade for a Jay Bruce auto, or Mets autos for pay Dan back. You’ll see what I mean a little later.

P.S. I also learned how to add today. Dave is a good teacher.

P.P.S. Dave does not add this way when totaling a sale, so don’t go in there and pick a bunch of stuff that is $13, it won’t work.

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