Yesterday when I stopped at the shop, I learned that they had a couple of cards put aside for me in case I needed them. There were a bunch of Lind auto’s (which I had all but one), and some Cano parallels. There is one Cano parallel I may go back for once I check my list because I couldn’t remember if I had it or not. The other was obvious that I wouldn’t have had it laying around.

Card #1 – While I don’t see myself finishing the entire team name or just “Jays”, these look way too nice to turn down. Probably one of my favorite auto sets of Lind (who I wish was swinging the bat better).

Card #2 – A gold refractor of Robbie Cano, don’t ya know?! Why yes, I will take that. Nothing like a new “shiny” card to add to my binder.

I have a couple more cards that I have picked up here and there recently to post about later on. It has been nice to get a card or two in the mail that I really want as opposed to opening packs of Bowman for a card I’m never getting.

Speaking of which, has anyone pulled any Pujols/Cano/Lind A&G mini’s yet? I am also looking for a Lind base card.

8 thoughts on “Card shop loot

  1. Where are you guys located? I feel you are close to me…. I'm in south jersey right outside of Philadelphia.

  2. I love that Lind! I've been looking at the same cards for Hunter Pence, but it's always out of budget :/

  3. i pulled a cano bat card out of my a&g box. let me know if you are interested.


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