It only take one person to ruin the fun

First, I would like to start by saying I do not condone this video. I do not want people following what this guy does. I’m extremely disappointed that people would do this, however, not even a little bit surprised.

In the end, you, sir, are a douche.

Apparently, in the Wal-Mart value boxes, it’s easy to find out which of the chrome refractors you will be getting because these cards are loose in the box. And, of course, there are people out there to exploit this fact.

16 thoughts on “It only take one person to ruin the fun

  1. I think this guy got to some early boxes because the one I opened had the MCG card, the ad card and my refractor (Ruth) in a penny sleeve taped to the Ginter pack. No way those things move around. The sleeve was pretty snug.

  2. wow, that's quite a powerful pack-molester lobby at Topps HQ to design the packaging so it's easy to figure out what the chrome card is. I wonder why they didn't put the bonus cards into their own sealed pack so you wouldn't able able to wine and dine and molest the pack without breaking the factory wrap?

    The Strasburg card will be only worth 50 cents in a few days anyway.

  3. It just proves that it is only a matter of time before someone comes up with a way to undermine the system. He is obviously not a collector but a hobby parasite.

    I'm not saying I have never tried to look inside the cellophane on a visible package, but I guess I don't have the cahones to stand in a checkout lane and appear as if I am damaging product on purpose.

  4. I saw some of these last night at Wal-Mart and noticed that some of them had the three cards at different places in the penny sleeve, and noticed that they could move a little bit. Also, I could tell one of the boxes wasn't a Strasburg because the chrome curl of the card was pushing the cover card out so bad you could see the top. If I were pack searching, I would recommend looking for the Strasburg, then buying the other boxes, since the Ripken and Ruth are far better cards to have.

  5. I'm finding it incredibly stupid that people are searching these and still taking Strasburg over Ripken and Ruth? Has it really come to this? Two all time legends and an injury prone rookie who hasn't accomplished shit, and people are still all over him!

  6. I'm pretty sure these blasters are all this guy is bangin'. It doesn't seem to be worth the trouble since Strasburg looks a lot more like Todd Van Poppel than Nolan Ryan at the moment.

  7. Doesn't appear that Topps has done a very good job packaging the "prizes" in these boxes if the card is just kinda hangin' loose in there. I would think if finding a true Mint card were even a remote possibility based on how half-assed the packaging is, it would fly right out the window doing it the way he's suggesting. Lot of work for a card that the bottom has probably fallen out of in the past 24 hours.

  8. That is a whole lot of damage to find a $5 card. I bought one of these boxes and pulled a Ruth refractor, I could not have been happier.

    I wonder how much of an idiot he must feel like standing on an aisle smacking boxes against his hip.

  9. I guess I'm in the minority. If Topps makes it possible to find out what the card is, why not take advantage of that? Like many have pointed out, it's not an extremely valuable card, and will probably go down in price as the Strasburg hype dies down and people realize he's human and not the greatest pitcher of all-time.

    But back to the point…Topps makes it possible, I don't see a problem with it.

  10. All that effort for a card that's not even making $6 on eBay right now. Not to mention that all that greedy pack-feeler creepiness comes with a good likelihood to ding the card when smacking the box around to get it.

    It would especially suck to be stuck buying one of these with a "reject" Ripken or Ruth that's been banged up because Walmart was too lazy to prevent some lower primate from damaging merchandise typically right in front of a check out counter.

    If the Arkansas Mafia weren't strong enough to demand and enforce foolishly low prices on everything, they'd go out of business out of sheer massive stupidity.

  11. I'm glad to see dumb people damaging the Stras cards. Too bad they're dinging Ruth and Ripken to do it.

    Verification: specoli – Duuude!

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