2 Rack Packs of 2011 Gypsy Queen
Was anyone else wondering what was in a rack pack of 2011 Gypsy Queen? It appears that I like to open packs, so I figured let me try my luck with 2 rack packs to see if I can end up with a green framed card or two that I might want.
Rack packs are $8.99 and they have 2 packs (6 cards per pack) with a 3 card bonus pack of green framed paper cards. Not really a bargain price for 3 extra cards, but that didn’t stop me.
Rack Pack #1:
10 base cards total, no SP’s
Wall Climbers
Mini’s, the Lester one is a red back
Green Framed Paper
Rack Pack #2
10 base cards, no SP’s
Wall Climbers
Green Framed Paper (I got an extra one! I win.)
I like the framed paper cards very much, but I like the hobby version better. The whole idea is nice to me as an insert. They are different than any inserts in baseball packs in recent memory which is another reason I like them a lot. Which color do you like better? (Say Copper!)
So there you have it, that’s what you get in a rack pack. I also wondered what one could get in a blaster… How many of you think I have a blaster sitting here waiting to be opened?
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The Munson cards are great! Would love to see the blaster if you got one.
Copper! And yes I do think that.
Hey Marie, where did you pick up the rack packs? I'm curious because I picked one up at Target and had Sticky Fingers inserts and it looks like you got Wall Climbers and I wanted to know if that's a Wal-Mart exclusive? And I could have sworn the rack pack I picked up had 3, 6 card packs and the bonus, I'll have to go back and look know. Oh and I got my Group Break stuff in the mail,
I just saw the Yount green border. Would you be up for another trade? I'm also looking for any Rollie Fingers you might have gotten in the group break in an A's uni, mini's ect, and possibly a Reggie Jackson if you can part with one in a Yankees, just the base, although I'd take a mini or framed too for the old Reggie collection, and I doubt you'd want to part with it, but I'm interested in the Braun Sephia you pulled too. Let me know I'm sure I can did up some Pujols or other Yankees and stuff from your want list. Drop me a line.
rack packs have THREE basic retail packs and the bonus pack. It's totally worth it.
yeah mine were also three packs + the three green paper inserts
and wall climbers and sticky fingers arent exclusive to wal-mart/target. i've gotten all my GQ from either meijer or target and have gotten some of each insert.