Ridiculous waste of money auction

So I am browsing eBay looking for Christmas gifts when I should be doing my homework, and when I paid for something those little boxes with things I may like come up. Rarely do I ever like any of them number one, and number two they are always hundreds of dollars that I don’t have even if I did like them.

Here is the dumbest waste of money I have seen in the hour I have wasted of my life searching eBay.
Must be nice to have $900 bucks to blow on a crappy card with no auto.

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4 thoughts on “Ridiculous waste of money auction

  1. Jeez… for that kind of money, you'd think the seller could spring for the shipping cost at least. 🙂

  2. I think it is kind of lame lookin too. I mean if I am throwin down serious cash on an A-Rod auto, I think I would want a big old NY on it – not the MLB logo.

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